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  • Gameson, Martyn

    Hororata School

    Investigate examples of Discovery Learning Theory in the primary education sector, including research into the theory, examples of New Zealand best practice and a visit to Brightworks in the United States.

    Download: Full report (PDF 1,022 kB)

  • Bain, Mike

    Te Mata School

    To investigate the current and potential use of emerging new technologies to support greater student control, engagement, and achievement across the curriculum and development of stronger, more responsive home school learning partnerships.

    Download: Full report (PDF 208 kB)

  • Bullick, John

    Cambridge East School

    To inquire into the implementation and use of e-portfolios, in order to enhance student learning, assessment, and reporting effectiveness at Cambridge East School.

    Download: Full report (PDF 151 kB)

  • Campbell, Alistair

    Māori Hill School

    Investigate the use of ICT, In particular interactive whiteboards, as a tool to enhance teaching and learning and raise student achievement.

    Download: Full report (PDF 110 kB)

  • Coleman, Therese

    St Patrick's School (Kaiapoi)

    To investigate the use of e-portfolios as a means of recording and reporting on student achievement in primary school settings. To investigate how student engagement in learning and plain language reporting to parents is enhanced by e-portfolios.

    Download: Full report (PDF 140 kB)

  • Marshall, Peter

    Greenhithe School

    Educating students to become effective citizens in a globalised world.

    Download: Full report (PDF 148 kB)

  • Parsons, David

    Riverlands School

    To investigate what strategies can be used to successfully implement a parent portal and introduce student e-portfolios through a LMS.

    Download: Full report (PDF 108 kB)

  • Reed, Nicholas

    Ashhurst School

    To study the impact of ICT on student learning and the various ways schools are able to sustain the financial costs associated with this.

    Download: Full report (PDF 170 kB)

  • Bennett, Francine

    Kingsway School

    To progress the research component of my doctoral thesis, visit schools in Canada, USA and the UK that have used the types of leadership development I have been investigating and also those which use e-learning effectively to deliver curriculum to students and using the principle of DDDM to enhance teaching and learning outcomes.

    Download: Full report (PDF 165 kB)

  • Ching, Larry

    Waimea College

    What programmes do schools have in place that address the delivery of the curriculum though authentic learning opportunities and through ICT?

    Download: Full report (PDF 433 kB)

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