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  • Driller, Colin

    Te Kauwhata College

    To investigate curriculum integration at the year 7–10 level in year 7–15 schools.

  • Fouhy, Kieran

    St Peter's College (Epsom)

    Research into boys education best practice; reporting to parents and special character programme.

  • Friend, Derek

    Mountainview High School

    To liaise with other schools in the Creating a Magnificent School programme and report on the impact that their involvement has had on the culture of those schools.

    Download: Full report (PDF 91 kB)

  • Inger, John

    Morrinsville College

    To observe and investigate strategies being implemented in some leading English secondary schools to provide personalised learning for students within a modern ICT-rich environment.

    Download: Full report (PDF 78 kB)

  • Johnson, Monica

    Marist College

    Schooling in Samoa: a case study.

    Download: Full report (PDF 320 kB)

  • Laing, Lindsay

    Tokomairiro High School

    Restorative justice – is this an appropriate behaviour management model for the 21st century school and learner?

  • Mahoney, Philip

    St Patrick's College

    To pursue issues about the education of boys and leadership of a (Silverstream) boys school (USA).

  • McCreery, Philip

    Cambridge High School

    To investigate developments in curriculum aimed at improving student engagement.

  • McGuinness, Paul

    Campion College

    To review the literature on examples of best practice in personalising learning and application to a NZ secondary school.

  • McIntyre, Bruce

    Manawatu College

    To share good practice with some other small rural NZ secondary schools.

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