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  • Roberts, Gary

    Hornby Primary School

    Observe children and speak with families and teachers in five Pasifika early childhood centres in Christchurch, four Samoan and one Tongan, to make connections with early childhood learning and experiences so our school can be better placed to meet the needs of children and families when they arrive at primary school. 

    Download: Full report (PDF 478 kB)

  • Varney, Helen

    Target Road School

    Learn how to grow our schools' capacity in culturally responsive teaching practices and pedagogies to support acceleration of learning for priority and target learners.

    Download: Full report (PDF 573 kB)

  • Hill, Gaylene

    Linden School

    Effectively engage in true partnership with our Māori whānau and students to enable our students to be highly engaged, successful, confident, proud and achieving as Māori.

    Download: Full report (PDF 485 kB)

  • Rutherford, Raewyn

    Egmont Village School

    Observe Te Whariki in action and establish strong working relationships with the early childhood services our students attend, and a good line of communication, so we can best support a good transition to school. Investigate what is done in ECE to focus on readiness for school.

    Download: Full report (PDF 753 kB)

  • Anne Coster – Enhancing teaching and learning

    A case study for Learning from the Middle.

  • Dalzell, Linda

    Southland Boys' High School

    Investigate the application of Kia Eke Panuku learning in a range of schools with particular but not exclusive focus on culturally responsive and relational pedagogy and powerful connections with whānau.

    Download: Full report (PDF 444 kB)

  • Southern-Cross-Senior-Campus_large

  • Hayward, Steven

    Green Island School

    Identify and explore useful strategies, approaches and techniques that assist children to more effectively develop their social and emotional intelligences, with a particular emphasis on the 15% Tier 2 and 3 children whose behaviour is hard to shift.

    Download: Full report (PDF 678 kB)

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