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  • Verstappen, Peter

    Wakefield School

    Investigate how social action outcomes can be an effective component of an inquiry curriculum.

    Download: Full report (PDF 265 kB)

  • Zimmerman, Karl

    St Anne's School (Wanganui)

    Investigate strategies and pedagogies that assist to personalise learning through an inquiry approach for priority learners and children with diverse educational needs.

    Download: Full report (PDF 587 kB)

  • Mahoney, Joanne

    Tuturumuri School

    Professional learning to improve my knowledge, skills and practice in utilising e-learning in daily teaching.

    Download: Full report (PDF 115 kB)

  • Hahn, Jane

    Good Shepherd School (Balmoral)

    Research how schools are catering to the needs of gifted and talented students from minority ethnic groups in the 21st century classroom.

    Download: Full report (PDF 233 kB)

  • Benade, Gina

    Sancta Maria Catholic Primary School

    Find out what makes true collaboration and better understand how professional collaboration can make a difference to student achievement.

    Download: Full report (PDF 809 kB)

  • Leonard, Bernadette

    St Joseph's School (Temuka)

    Research, inquire, observe and learn about best practice for increased student agency in learning.

    Download: Full report (PDF 228 kB)

  • The process for developing a professional learning and development plan

    Timperley PLD cycle

    PLD cycle Timperley

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