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  • Adamson, Janice

    Victoria Avenue School

    Undertake a literature review and gather evidence on current thinking and research around leading from the middle/distributed leadership.

    Download: Full report (PDF 437 kB)

  • McKernan, Craig

    St Francis Xavier Catholic School (Whangarei)

    Investigate what professional development (leadership) and support principals find to be effective in assisting them to lead successful schools.

    Download: Full report (PDF 129 kB)

  • Rangiātea: case studies and exemplars

    These five Rangiātea case studies and exemplars examine five New Zealand secondary schools on their journeys towards realising Māori student potential.

    Rangiātea: Hastings Boys' High School

    Project focus: pastoral and careers education

    Let’s forget about whatever we can’t change; whatever the circumstances they come from that’s what we've been given. Let’s not make any excuses and let’s find as many strategies and processes and things to make it work. Really, it’s just a non-deficit thinking model. (Headmaster)

    Hastings Boys' High School is an urban, decile 2 school. Māori students make up 45 percent of the roll.

    Rangiātea: Western Springs College

    Project focus: individualised monitoring of student achievement

    This is an awesome school, and you’ll do really well academically. If you come here, you won’t want to leave. (Māori student)

    Western Springs College is a decile 8 co-educational school in Auckland. Māori students make up 17 percent of the roll.

    Rangiātea: Opotiki College

    Project focus: creating educationally powerful connections

    We must show our children that we love them, that we have high expectations and aspirations for them, that they can achieve anything that a young person anywhere else can achieve and that their learning is the most important thing in our lives because learning matters. (Principal)

    Opotiki College is a decile 1 rural school. Māori students make up 80 percent of the roll.

    Rangiātea: Hamilton Girls' High School

    Project focus: Māori student engagement

    Teachers look for advice and support to build relationships with their Māori students, to learn more about their lives. There is a transfer of skills happening from Māori teachers to others. (Teacher)

    Hamilton Girls' High School is an urban, decile 6 school. Maori students make up 25 percent of the roll.

    Rangiātea: Kakapo College

    Project focus: building relationships

    The whole school has the warm feeling that it does because there was a real focus on the pastoral side of the school. The form teacher starts with a class in Year 9 and goes through with them to Year 13. It’s about building relationships. (Principal)

    Kakapo College is a decile 9 co-educational school in an urban setting. Māori students make up 16 percent of the roll.

    The school chose to remain unnamed, so the pseudonym Kakapo College is used here.

    Rangiātea: reflective questions

    These reflective questions help groups and individuals to engage with the ideas in the Rangiātea case studies and exemplars.


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