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  • Leverton, Andrew

    Geraldine Primary School

    Investigate how schools sustain their involvement in Positive Behaviour for Learning Schoolwide (PB4LSW) once their Ministry funding ends and they enter the sustainability phase of their development.

    Download: Full report (PDF 3 MB)

  • Friis, Michael

    Te Puru School

    Develop and document a clear vision of what a collaborative teaching/co-teaching model will look like in our school.

    Download: Full report (PDF 155 kB)

  • Fletcher, Noelle

    Te Atatu Intermediate

    Investigate best practice around acceleration.

    Download: Full report (PDF 6 MB)

  • Teaching and school practices survey tool

    An NZCER-developed survey tool for schools that covers teaching practices, school practices, and principal leadership.


    EDtalks is a growing collection of videos, developed by Core Education, that feature New Zealand and international educators talking about learning.

    Piritahi Community of Learning

    Medway River by Phillip Capper CC BY 2.0

    Twenty-one schools and the Marlborough Kindergarten Association are working together in the Piritahi Community of Learning (CoL), one of the largest CoLs in the country. Two years on, members of Piritahi CoL share their experiences in an Education Gazette article.

  • Whiting, Kelvin

    Hillcrest High School

    The causes of disparity between girls' and boys' achievement in co-educational schools, what schools are doing to address the issues, and through my inquiry how can I lead changes in boys' achievement at Hillcrest High School.

    Download: Full report (PDF 100 kB)

  • Barron, Jacqueline

    St Hildas Collegiate

    Research girls' wellbeing and programmes that build resilience and enhance wellbeing for young women.

    Download: Full report (PDF 205 kB)

  • Sullivan, Graeme

    Waterloo School

    To research in depth the components, concepts and implications of "managed learning environments" in schools with particular emphasis on the relationship and impact these have through e-learning.

  • Professional learning communities writ large

    by Michael Fullan

    This article emphasises the need to look further than the community of a single school if there is interest in an educational infrastructure that will build capacity over a long period.

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