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Gender and school leadership

by Marianne Coleman

This paper draws on research data from two large surveys of secondary school principals in England and Wales to explore gender differences for secondary principals in New Zealand.

  • Odgers, Megan

    Ravensbourne School

    Find ways that Ravensbourne School can become culturally responsive in a deeper and more meaningful way to enhance student achievement.

    Download: Full report (PDF 453 kB)

  • Leadership matters: listening to first-time principals

    by Marg Lees

    This article records the author's follow-up with seven first-time primary principals who undertook the UC Plus Aspiring Principals programme.

    School leadership BES - background

    In this interview Dr Adrienne Alton Lee discusses the development of the school leadership BES, how and why it is important for New Zealand education, and in particular for the achievement and other outcomes of the diverse learners in our schools.


    Ngā pukapuka i tirohia

    Learning is the work

    by Michael Fullan

    Learning is the Work is a powerful article by Michael Fullan on the benefits of collaborative work in and between schools. It is also about well-led teams of teachers working to build individual and collective capacity to raise student achievement. It is a useful article for those building understanding about effective collaborative practices.

  • Schreiber, Norah

    James Street School

    Gain an understanding of what accelerated learning looks like for students with high and complex needs, and how progress is reported to parents and whānau.

    Download: Full report (PDF 213 kB)

  • Brisco, Karen; Hepworth, Lynette

    Omata School and Oakura School

    Inquire into how full primary schools in our region transition their year 8 students to local secondary schools. Inquire into the perceived effectiveness of the transitions and develop ideas on how the process could be strengthened.

    Download: Full report (PDF 461 kB)

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