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  • Shepherd, Geoffrey

    Kuranui College

    Rethink and restructure the year 11–13 curriculum to better suit the learning and vocational needs of the 70% of students whose pathway is not into university study.

  • Online tools and resources

    Links to tools and journals useful to school leaders.

  • Franklin, Vaughan

    Te Rapa School

    To carefully consider the very critical role of personnel in positions of leadership and governance in New Zealand schools, and how they are directly responsible and accountable for influencing a school’s culture and effectiveness for the better, and how can we actively learn from positive examples of this, as well as any negative examples, to reduce the need for statutory intervention and / or commissioners in our schools.

    Download: Full report (PDF 772 kB)

  • Hewlett, Shona

    Longford Intermediate

    Investigate the effectiveness of the process of student transition into/out of our school. Investigate the range of practices, sharing of information, and the involvement of whānau and families. Research effective transition models used in other areas.

  • Jenkin, Peter

    Wakaaranga School

    Research the theme of "BYOD and ILE – the myths and realities, what is or isn't working". Look at whether PD in the necessary pedagogies is being delivered or funded; whether the focus is more toward the acquisition of the latest IT tools, equipment or infrastructure, rather than improved learning outcomes; and how schools evaluate the impact of digital learning on student achievement.

  • McCallum, Sandra

    Mt Cook School (Wellington)

    Inquiry-based project to investigate the ways that multicultural schools engage their communities and form strong partnerships in order to help support their children's learning to achieve high student outcomes.

  • Boards of trustees’ selection practices of principals in New Zealand primary schools: Will the future be female?

    by Keren Brooking

    This paper describes a New Zealand national study that explored the ways in which boards of trustees select primary school principals.

    Teachers as learners

    by Louise Stoll, Jan McKay and David Kember, and M. Cochrane-Smith and S. Lytle

    This page summarises ideas from three classic articles on teacher learning by: Louise Stoll, 1999; Jan McKay and David Kember, 1997; and M. Cochrane-Smith and S. Lytle, 1999. 

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