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  • Bourke, Phil

    Flemington School (Waipukurau)

    Investigate the move toward creating innovative learning environments (ILE), the associated changes in teacher pedagogy required, and what effect this has on student agency.

    Download: Full report (PDF 307 kB)

  • Barrett, Graeme

    Hastings Boys' High School

    Investigate how to improve the transition/pathways of students going from year 11 to year 12 and beyond, using Trades Academies and Polytechnics to help gain NCEA level 2 and above.

    Download: Full report (PDF 224 kB)

  • Professional learning

    Homepage Boxes

    This folder is used to store the Homepage Boxes, and linked to the Homepage using an Object Relation.

    The first four, ordered by Priority are then displayed on the Homepage.

    Linda Kaser: Phases of the spiral of inquiry

    Linda Kaser is one of the people who developed the spiral of inquiry, learning and action. In this video she briefly outlines how the phases of the spiral are used in the networks of inquiry and innovation in British Columbia.

    Helen Timperley: BES connections

    In this audio Helen Timperley talks about what has changed since writing the BES on teacher professional development and how those changes are reflected in the Spiral of inquiry framework.

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