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  • Farrelly, Michael

    Raumati Beach School

    Investigate the transition of year 8 students into secondary schools with a particular emphasis on transition from larger schools.

    Download: Full report (PDF 132 kB)

  • Hunt, Gary

    Rangitoto College

    Research the effectiveness of the College's current professional development programme and how it has aligned with programmes that operate in the Mid-Bays Community of Schools.

    Download: Full report (PDF 715 kB)

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    school systems box

  • Gunn, Elizabeth

    Churchill Park School

    Investigate how e-learning strategies support greater student ownership of, and engagement with, their learning.

    Download: Full report (PDF 110 kB)

  • Miller, Mary

    Gore Main School

    Research a multi-dimensional model to teaching gifted children, trial it school-wide to see what success occurs for all year levels, and gather feedback.

    Download: Full report (PDF 107 kB)

  • Bosch, Theresa

    Baradene College

    Visit NZQA, Network for Learning (N4L), and Education Perfect as well as pilot schools to gather information to assist Baradene College to prepare for digital assessments.

    Download: Full report (PDF 435 kB)

  • School culture

    by Louise Stoll

    In this article, Louise Stoll explores the relationship between school culture and school improvement.

    Accomplishing important work together

    by Helen Timperley and Viviane Robinson

    This article examines what is meant by the term 'partnership' in an education context. It use New Zealand examples to illustrate education partnerships.

    Moral purpose and shared leadership

    by Michael Bezzina

    This study explores how shared moral purpose and shared leadership support teachers as they implement authentic learning.

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