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  • Richmond, Tracy

    Omakau School

    Investigate programmes to support oral language development for children starting school with oral language deficits.

    Download: Full report (PDF 236 kB)

  • Caldwell, Brent

    Mornington School

    Strengthening school curriculum and culture through the development of children's personal social and emotional skills using programmes of behaviour education and self-management.

    Download: Full report (PDF 634 kB)

  • The praxis of dilemma management

    by Carol Cardno

    In this journal article Professor Carol Cardno from UNITEC in Auckland alerts readers to how common dilemmas (sticky situations) are for school leaders, especially as they take on the responsibility for improving the learning outcomes of all students.

  • Ellis, Rosemarie

    Kaiwaka School

    Learn how other mainstream schools present lessons, assess student achievement, and evaluate teaching and learning in te reo and tikanga when they are operating at the 4b level, to gain insight into best practice and effective learning.

    Download: Full report (PDF 75 kB)

  • Drury, Kevin

    Rukuhia School

    Investigate the effect that variables  – teacher relationships, attendance, whānau support and MLE – have on students well below and below achievement expectations, with emphasis on Māori students.

    Download: Full report (PDF 523 kB)

  • Harwood, Carol

    Te Kohanga School

    How to create a modern learning environment for primary students in a 100-year-old school with single classrooms; investigate how Māori student achievement can be nurtured through the adaptation of physical spaces, and the pedagogical environment required to grow confident, engaged learners.

    Download: Full report (PDF 6 MB)

  • Carey, Sonya

    Newfield Park School

    Investigate models of curriculum integration that foster student agency.

    Download: Full report (PDF 198 kB)

  • Wright, Paul

    Clayton Park School

    Review research literature concerning the effectiveness of models of collaboration between schools and subsequent impact on learning outcomes.

    Download: Full report (PDF 1 MB)

  • Bowden, Mark

    Spotswood College

    Visit schools, youth guarantee network organisations, and polytechnics.

    Download: Full report (PDF 485 kB)

  • Ferrar, Peter

    Cornerstone Christian School

    Investigate BYOD and strategies for assisting learning for Pasifika, and particularly Tongan, students.

    Download: Full report (PDF 712 kB)

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