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  • Hegarty, Wayne

    Marlborough Boys' College

    To investigate how to better support staff in a teaching and learning capacity through in school review process.

    Download: Full report (PDF 408 kB)

  • Coughlan, Nicholas

    One Tree Hill College

    To research whānau structures being used in secondary schools to enhance student achievement.

    Download: Full report (PDF 591 kB)

  • Foy, Timothy

    Huntly College

    To investigate vocational pathways, academies and data analysis to develop effective programmes at Huntly College.

    Download: Full report (PDF 238 kB)

  • Watson, Greg

    Mt Roskill Grammar

    To investigate enhancing learning spaces in an established traditional school in order to support a 21st century learning community model.

    Download: Full report (PDF 508 kB)

  • Robertson, Lindsay

    Geraldine Primary School

    Investigation into planning and managing in schools: Templates and frameworks for delegations and/or specific initiatives.


    Action Plan

    Action Plan (Staffroom)

    Curriculum Review Plan

    Fixed Term U Staff Nomination Form

    Flow Chart Change Management

    Literacy Action Plan

    Literacy Leader's Job Description

    Management of Change

    Plan for Curriculum Project

    SENCO Job Specification

    These templates are part of Lindsay Robertson's sabbatical report.

    Download: Full report (PDF 83 kB)

  • Conroy, Peter

    Papatoetoe North School

    To improve engagement, inclusion and achievement of Māori pupils at Papatoetoe North.

    Download: Full report (PDF 650 kB)

  • Legal & privacy

  • McCarthny, Craig

    St Heliers School

    To build confidence and knowledge of modern learning environments in order to develop a clear vision of modern learning pedagogies and environments.

    Download: Full report (PDF 604 kB)

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