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  • Milburn, Rowan

    Mountainview High School

    To investigate strategies to reduce stand down rates in schools of a similar decile as Mountainview High School.

    Download: Full report (PDF 288 kB)

  • Simes, Geoffrey

    Durie Hill School

    Sabbatical will comprise professional reading, school visits to survey and talk with principals of three selected primary schools, and collaboration with Joseph Driessen, a researcher and presenter specialising in boys' education.

    Download: Full report (PDF 111 kB)

  • MSL Maggie Reid

  • Crawford, Clare

    Kahutara School

    Develop and grow the leadership qualities and potential in U1 and U2 staff teams, through purposeful, empowering learning conversations.

    Download: Full report (PDF 183 kB)

  • Willocks, Grant

    Temuka Primary School

    To research current knowledge of brain development and about how we learn, then investigate the implications for this practice within the modern learning environment.

    Download: Full report (PDF 907 kB)

  • Martin, Kathleen

    Hokitika School

    To increase knowledge of the Glasser Quality Schools philosophy, to explore leadership structures, to examine overall effectiveness of quality schools.

    Download: Full report (PDF 524 kB)

  • Saville, Stephen

    Alfriston College

    Investigate how secondary schools are enhancing and developing opportunities for student creativity.

    Download: Full report (PDF 2 MB)

  • Davis, Nigel

    Wesley Intermediate

    To investigate how schools accelerate student achievement in reading.

    Download: Full report (PDF 98 kB)

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