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  • Brooks, Wendy

    Cromwell Primary School

    Investigate whether the current trend of online professional learning for teachers is having a positive impact on their teaching practice and making a difference for students' learning and achievement.

    Download: Full report (PDF 212 kB)

  • Read, Hayley

    Whangarei Intermediate

    To complete a small research project that includes collating and analysing information from interviewing schools who are also taking part of a Professional Learning Development Te Reo maori Contract in order to improve the teaching and learning programmes to improve the Maori achievement at Whangarei Intermediate School.

    Download: Full report (PDF 7 MB)

  • Myers, Stuart

    Pakuranga Intermediate

    To investigate the use of Arts professionals working alongside teachers and students in rich learning situations in New Zealand, and the extent to which such programmes contribute to gains in literacy and numeracy.

    Download: Full report (PDF 1 MB)

  • Grundy, Paul

    Lucknow School

    Review teaching and leadership strategies proven to enhance accelerated progress for priority learners in literacy.  In particular the success and sustainability of accelerated literacy learning initiatives in school settings and how these can be further developed.

    Download: Full report (PDF 630 kB)

  • Milner, Malcolm

    Balmoral School (Auckland)

    To explore the role of principal leadership in creating a 'thinking school', and programmes that develop critical thinking across a school.

    Download: Full report (PDF 68 kB)

  • Riley, Christine

    Tawhiti School

    To support and develop the restorative justice and behavioural management journey that the school has begun to take.

    Download: Full report (PDF 875 kB)

  • Robertson, Janette

    Conifer Grove School

    The links between transition and acceleration in the first year at school.

    Download: Full report (PDF 107 kB)

  • Richardson, Paul

    Sacred Heart School (Dunedin)

    Review and strengthen current self-review practices in the school, by gathering information about best practice through literature reviews, school visits and interviews.

    Download: Full report (PDF 538 kB)

  • Kennington, Janice

    Wilson School

    To visit a number of educational and medical facilities in New Zealand and in the UK which provide for the learning needs of students who have significant disabilities of an intellectual, physical, and/or health nature.

    Download: Full report (PDF 5 MB)

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