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  • Barrett, Jennie

    Woodford House

    To strengthen parental engagement of secondary children's learning in the NZ context.

  • Vickers, Ian

    Sancta Maria College

    Develop a fully resourced teacher well-being programme.

    Download: Full report (Word 2007 364 kB)

  • Wilson, Scott

    Puahue School

    To research, analyse, and implement strategies to enhance parental and whānau engagement to support their children's learning, aimed at both parents and whanau of school aged children.

    Download: Full report (PDF 99 kB)

  • Mayow, Linda

    Glen Eden School

    Investigate successful oral language programmes in the junior departments of low decile, multi-cultural schools with a predominance of Māori and Pasifika students.

    Download: Full report (PDF 135 kB)

  • McDonald, Brian

    Pukekohe High School

    To research the best practice for engaging better with our Pasifika community and also advancing improved educational outcomes for Pasifika students.

    Download: Full report (PDF 126 kB)

  • Nielsen, Christian

    Whakatane High School

    To investigate innovative curriculum models that are student focused and provide an authentic context for learners; to research models of good practice in terms of integrating programmes of learning between secondary schools and tertiary providers; and to consider a range of strategies to lead innovation and change in school.

    Download: Full report (PDF 246 kB)

  • Pasley, Alexandra

    Baradene College

    To develop new strategies to enhance performance, culture and relationships. To learn more about the founding charism of Baradene College of the Sacred Heart. To look at ways schools prepare students for life beyond school, academically and personally.

    Download: Full report (PDF 147 kB)

  • Brown, David

    Westburn School

    Examine the characteristics of a team inquiry approach to professional learning, how that is demonstrated in schools, and how it impacts on student achievement and school improvement.

    Download: Full report (PDF 249 kB)

  • Martin, David

    St Patrick's College (Kilbirnie)

    To investigate best practice strategies with regards to the use of BYOD.

    Download: Full report (PDF 254 kB)

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