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  • Dewar, Ian

    Tawa School

    To research what environmental and curriculum changes schools need to make to cater for the seemingly increasing numbers of 5 year old students starting school at developmental stages that are closer to the pre-school level than to the Year 1 curriculum level.

    Download: Full report (PDF 2 MB)

  • De Gouveia, Susan

    St Teresa's School (Riccarton)

    To research and reflect on the development of middle leaders in schools through mentoring, to determine best practice and to prepare a development programme using new knowledge.

    Download: Full report (PDF 143 kB)

  • Trembath, Stuart

    Feilding Intermediate

    To seek knowledge about the middle schooling system operating in New Zealand with a view to possible adapting the present Fielding Intermediate into a middle school, if the investigation clearly shows positive pupil achievement as a characteristic.

    Download: Full report (PDF 71 kB)

  • McKeown, John

    Sunnydene Special School

    Examine how several schools in Auckland and the UK deal with their students aged 15 years + with autism, severe intellectual disability and challenging and violent behaviour.

    Download: Full report (PDF 218 kB)

  • Willocks, Ross

    Queenspark School

    To investigate how oral communication develops effective relationships in a high performance environment.

    Download: Full report (PDF 148 kB)

  • Mangere Central_Intended messages

    e-learning leadership

    Mangere Central 1

    MCS charter targets

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