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  • Callaghan, Christine

    St Paul's School (Dallington)

    The role of professional leaders in creating and maintaining school cultures in times of change.

    Download: Full report (PDF 139 kB)

  • Blair, Yvonne

    Kumara School

    Investigate and see in action good teaching and learning strategies and management practices in successful small schools, and how small schools achieve positive relationships with the community.

    Download: Full report (PDF 103 kB)

  • Coddington, Carol

    St Dominic's College (Henderson)

    To strengthen middle management leadership practices to further enhance student achievement by attending a Harvard University leadership course, investigate the delivery of charism in Australian schools and read and reflect on key factors that will improve middle management leadership practices.

    Download: Full report (PDF 136 kB)

  • Harris, Ngaire

    Hauraki Plains College

    To develop a deeper understanding around the issues and strategies for building student-centered leadership capability within a school community.

    Download: Full report (PDF 787 kB)

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